Buongiorno cari lettori! Abbiamo appena scoperto che arriverà presto in Italia grazie a Newton Compton un romanzo che ha riscosso un ottimo successo in America. Si tratta di Break Even di Lisa De Jong, che narra la storia di Marley, una donna sposata da quattro anni che si ritrova all'improvviso al centro di un triangolo pericoloso... Che ne pensate?

Trama: My story isn’t a love story … not the typical kind anyway.
As a lawyer, I’m used to discovery, but I never saw this one coming.
Every day, River gives me ten reasons to stay away, and then eleven reasons why I can't. Our relationship was to remain strictly business, or at least I tried.
Four years of marriage, and everything with Cole has changed. I never knew two people who lived together could be so distant. But I’m not ready to give up on him.
One man wants to break me.
The other is just trying to get even.
Both are lying to me.
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